iRobot updates Looj gutter bot
Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012
If you're not familiar with Looj, it's a portable, waterproof, rotating scrubber on treads. You set it in your eavestrough and it trundles along, spitting out leaves, needles, and other gunk with its spinning rubber flaps.
The new Looj 330 has a four-stage cleaning augur, up from three. The machine has a horizontal scraper to help clear debris from gutter floors.
Selling for $299 at, the 330 also has a 7.2V lithium-ion battery, a first for the company's home robots, allowing Looj to recharge faster. It cleans about 200 feet per battery charge, and still does about 30 feet in five minutes, the same as the 100 series Looj.
The Roomba 630 can clean longer without being emptied.
(Credit: iRobot)
But the 330 has a lower profile, potentially fitting into a greater variety of gutters. You still have to reposition it in an adjacent gutter by getting up there on the ladder yourself, but the remote has a 50-foot range, so you can summon it back to you when it's done chucking muck around.
iRobot also has been updating its Roomba offerings recently, and now adds basic models, the 600 series, starting at $329.99.
The entry-level floor vacs are supposedly more effective at sucking up hair, pet fur, and other fibers, which tend to get wrapped around the bristles instead of going into the bin.
They don't need to be emptied as often, iRobot says, because the air flow and brushes are better engineered.
Meanwhile, 600 series machines have features like Virtual Wall to control where the robots clean; Dirt Detect, which uses an acoustic sensor to locate dirtier areas that need more attention; and automatic returning to the charging unit once the job is done or batteries are running low.
Judul: iRobot updates Looj gutter bot
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