Use Kaspersky Antivirus For Lifetime Without any Serial (or) Patch By Technohackzs.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 26 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Hi Friends!! Iam Back with the New Intresting Atricle 
that is Use any Kaspersky Antivirus or Kaspersky Inte
rnet Security etc For Lifetime.

Refer also my previous Article About Antivirus that is
All Antivirus 2012 Full Versions For Free.
In that post all antiviruses having the 6 mnths or 1 Year Subscriptions. But now i explained about how to use
Kaspersky Antivirus for lifetime.

Generally Kaspersky Antivirus Provide 30 Days Trial
Only, So there are the few steps that you have to per
form when your trial license going to expire after 30
days for getting a new trial license.

Follow The Instructions Below:-

Step 1 :- First Delete old key and then go to Settings-options In Kaspersky and Turn Off Enable Self Defence and then Click OK.

Step 2 :- Click Start Button and then go to Run and in that
write regedit and Click Ok ( i.e Open Registry Editior ) 
and go through These :-

For 32bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP9 \ environment

For 64bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP9 \ environment.

Step 3 :- Right Look For PCID and then right click
and modify three or four last numbers or letters.
Ex :- (8F10C22F-6EF6-4378-BAB1-34722F6D454).
And Then Enter any other Three-Letter Four-Number
and close the Registry Editor.

Step 4 :- Then Right Click On the Kaspersky Icon In the 
Taskbar and choose Exit.

Step 5 :- And Go to Start Menu - Programmes Menu ,
Open the Kaspersky and when you activate searching
Trial License and you have the new License of a Month.

Step 6 :- Go to Kaspersky Settings And Turn On Self-Defence.

By this You will got again 30 days Trial Period, so there
is no need to search the keys.
Do this again for next months also you will update or
do this for every trial license is over , this is simple so
dont activate the patch try tis simple instructions and
get life time validity.

Note :- Basically The Patches that you found in internet are generally depends on that trick .
They simply make the changes in the registry and change identification of your computer to the Kaspersky server, 
thus Kaspersky log server recognizes you as a new user 
and assigns you new trial license.

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Judul: Use Kaspersky Antivirus For Lifetime Without any Serial (or) Patch By Technohackzs.
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