How To Know The Balance Of Any Prepaid - BSNL Number?

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 08 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Hello friends!! Today I will explain about how to know the balance of anyPrepaid-BSNL number. 

As mostly friends says " I could not call you because of low balance "  or something like that , but if your friend is using BSNL number , then he/she can't cheat you from now onwards . Follow these easy steps::

  • Go to the link : BSNL Portal
  • Register here or  login  with your details.
  • After login, Click on the link : Flexi Topup Vouchers.
  • Here enter any prepaid - mobile number & select denomination between₹50 to ₹5000 in multiples of 10.

You will redirected to the page similar to the below screenshot :

Check under " Exisisting Balance And Expiry Date ".

That's all, so start checking your friend's balance now.

Judul: How To Know The Balance Of Any Prepaid - BSNL Number?
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