Mozilla's IonMonkey for JavaScript
Rabu, 12 September 2012
Mozilla has begun building a new technology called IonMonkey into Firefox to improve its JavaScript performance.
High JavaScript performance is essential in today's hotly competitive browser market, because JavaScript is the language behind complicated Web sites and Web apps such as Google Docs and Facebook. IonMonkey has now been packaged into the "nightly" version of Firefox 18 for hardcore developers; that version is scheduled to become the mainstream version of the browser early in 2013.
IonMonkey is what's called a just-in-time compiler, or JIT for short. In olden days, JavaScript would run line by line in the browser, but JITs speed it up by converting a JavaScript program into a program that runs natively on a computer processor the way ordinary software does. That process, called compiling a program, can mean a big speed boost.
"IonMonkey is a huge step forward for our JavaScript performance and our compiler architecture," said Mozilla programmer David Anderson in a blog post today.
IonMonkey adds a new step to just-in-time compilation. Mozilla's earlier JITs compiled a binary straight from the JavaScript. But IonMonkey -- like Java -- translates the JavaScript code first to an intermediate representation (IR) that can be optimized better before the ultimate binary is produced.
JITs have dramatically improved JavaScript performance, but there's a significant caveat: they're not allowed on Microsoft's forthcoming Windows RT, except with Microsoft's own Internet Explorer 10. IE10 is permitted to use the operating system's low-level Win32 interfaces, which enable JITs, but other browsers may only use the new WinRT interface, which effectively bars JITs.
Mozilla and Google have strenuously objected to this browser constraint, which Microsoft lifted for Windows 8. Windows RT runs on mobile machines with ARM processors, whereas Windows 8 uses x86 chips traditional to the PC market.
Apple's iOS bars third-party browser engines altogether, but Google's Android is more open. IonMonkey is scheduled to arrive on Firefox for Android devices "soon,"
Judul: Mozilla's IonMonkey for JavaScript
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