5 tips to keep your phone safe

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 21 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Be like a dolphinDolphins sleep with one eye open, to stay semi-alert to lurking predators and unexpected danger. If you need to use your phone in the wilds of the subway or sidewalk , do so discreetly, reserving at least a portion of your cognitive capacity for minding what is happening around you. Avoid leaving your phone on the table at restaurants, bars and coffee shops where it can easily be...

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smartphones are destroying your memory

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 17 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Your Android and iOS phones are killing cognitive thinking and declarative memory, say expertsDr Hozefa A Bhinderwala, psychiatrist at Saifee and Prince Aly Khan Hospital, received a call from his brother last week. "He said, 'You are the doctor, but I performed a surgery today'."The specialist's brother was referring to having managed to get his nine-year-old son to let go off his smartphone, which...

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Trojan used to take Rs 1cr from city account

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
A Trojan malware sent via email helped hackers siphon off Rs 1 crore from the current account of a Mulund cosmetics company, according to the chargesheet recently filed by the police. The hacking on January 31 was one of the first major online banking frauds in the city this year.The kingpin, who is in custody, got hold of the cosmetics firm's account details with a Trojan sent in a mail that pretended...

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LG's Nexus 4 at Rs 26,000

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 16 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Announced last year, the Nexus 4 has finally reached the India shores, officially. The phone features a 4.7" True IPS Plus screen with 1280x768 pixels. Inside is a powerful 1.5 GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, and 2 GB of RAM. The phone runs stock Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) experience, which is widely considered as "pure" by Android fans. Being a Nexus phone, it will be one of the...

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"Blue" Free For Existing Windows 8 Users

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
All the rumors about the next Windows update, called Blue, came true yesterday when Windows CFO Tami Reller revealed that Windows 8.1 will be the official name for Windows Blue and it will be made available free for existing Windows 8 users. And it is to follow Microsoft's previous promise that developers will be able to install a Public Preview version of Windows 8.1 in late June, reports ZDNet.Windows...

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Google Glasses harmful for kids

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 08 Mei 2013 0 komentar
LONDON: Google has claimed that children under 13 shouldn't wear Google Glass, the company's upcoming futuristic internet glasses. The web portal's site says: "Don't let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision." The smart specs use voice control and let the wearer do things like take photos, make video calls and even look at websites, the BBC reported. The wearable computers,...

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