Blogger new widgets google plusone and Google badge

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 04 April 2012 0 komentar
Today GOogle has announced two new widgets for blogger blogspot sites. It has given directly two widgets to bloggers to add them to their sites where they want. It has added google plusone button and google badge to blogger free widgets to add them to their sites directly.

Google added plusone button which helps people to give their feedback and also helps other users to find the useful matter in their google plus profile.

 Google plus Badge is use to add people to their cirlces and they can get all the updates through google plus profile this just similar to facebook features with a slight variations.

Anyhow bloggers enjoy the new gadgets and add them to your sites to increase your social network on web and to promote your site on social web.
To add this gadgets
Go to layout
Add a new gadget
Add you new gadgets.

Incoming search terms:
New google widgets 
Add google plusone and google badge widgets directly to blogger
Judul: Blogger new widgets google plusone and Google badge
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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